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Title: Acute Endomyometritis with Adenomyosis of Uterus- A Rare Case Report
Authors: Shilpa Manigatta Dodd agowda, Kalyani Raju, Gomathy, Preethi Utnal
Issue Date: Apr-2020
Abstract: Adenomyosis is commonly encountered gynaecological problem and endomyometritis is the condition usually seen in postpartum period. Synchronous occurrence of these two conditions is not found in the literature till date. Here authors report a case in which 44 years old female patient the patient presented with the pain abdomen, fever, vomiting and clinically diagnosed as adenomyosis. Microscopically Myometrium showed areas of adenomyosis with transmural dense neutrophilic cell infiltration along with eosinophils and lymphocytes along with the lumen of the glands showing organised exudate with focal areas of necrosis. Final report of acute endomyometritis with adenomyosis was made. Patient was started on antibiotics and recovered well. After six months follow-up patient was doing well.
Appears in Collections:Pathology

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