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Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics : [53] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 53 of 53
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Successful Pregnacy outome in a primigravida with twin gestation with complete situs inversus: A rare case reportVijayalakshmi C
2017An in-vitro Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Properties of Allamanda Cathartica L. Latex Green NPs on Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear CellsPrabhu Das, Nandhini H Sriramaia, Sudeep Nagaraj,
2017Prevalence of Human Papilloma Virus in Oral Squamous Cell carcinoma: A rural teaching hospital based cross-sectional study.Deepa Rajesh, S.M.Azeem Mohiyuddin, A.V. Moideen Kutty,
2017The in vitro Cytotoxic and Molecular Docking Studies of Newly Synthesized Fused Benzoxazole-Triazole DerivativesSH Shreedhara
2016Early Urinary Biomarkers Of Acute Kidney Injury In Preterm InfantsHanna M
2016Clinical Significance Of Persistent Global And Focal Computed Tomography Nephrograms After Cardiac Catheterization And Their Relationships To Urinary Biomarkers Of Kidney Damage And Procedural Factors Pilot Study.Chu LL
2016Isolation and identification of steroid triterpenoids from the polar and non-polar fractions of Caralluma attenuata (Wight) roots.Kiranmayee P
2016Profile of Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha -308 G/A Gene Polymorphism in Psoriatic Patients in Karnataka.Deepa R
2014Sphingosine, a modulator of human translesion DNA polymerase activity.Ashwini S
2012Molecules and Medicine, Prescription for the New EraP R Krishnaswamy
2014-10Molecular analysi of PRRT2 gene in a case of paroxysmal kinesiegenic dyskinesia patientPrabhakr S, Kolandaswamy A
2014Errors in Medical Services: Risks and Harm to Patients and Paths to RemedyP R Krishnaswamy
2011Chromosomes to Genes: Implications of Array Comparitive Genomic HybridizationKrishna Murthy D S
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 53 of 53